The 3 best video games on the theme of casino

The history of video games began in the 70s with the release of the game called "Pong" and has since evolved. As the number of consoles has increased, so has the variety of themes. Today, players can almost find a video game on any theme. Even online casinos have inspired the biggest video game publishers.

Vegas Party

The game was released on June 21, 2018, and is available on the Nintendo Switch. Players are taken to the world of the city of Las Vegas. The goal of the game is to reach the end of the strip with the others. It has 10 mini-games on which you have to play with tokens. There are some dangers to watch out for, such as tornadoes and earthquakes, and don't trust anyone. Play the game today on the site Among the mini-games offered, you will be able to find:

  • Roulette,
  • Black Jack,
  • Texas Holdem,
  • Baccarat,
  • Darts,
  • Bingo

It is possible to choose your game mode from: competition, quick game or the main adventure. If the player chooses the main adventure, he will find himself on a game board on which there are 17 incredible casinos and 18 different environments. Each player in turn must roll a die and advance across the game board.

Poker Club

Released on November 12, 2020, it is available on the Switch, Xbox and PS4/PS5. Poker Club will be the most realistic poker simulation ever created.

The players are all seated around a table, they receive their cards and the game begins. At the beginning of the game, each participant receives a certain number of chips, but will have to make sure that his number increases as the game goes on. The graphics are very realistic and it almost feels like a real casino room.

The game can be played solo or online. The first games take place in underground rooms and then move on to incredible tournaments. It is also possible to create a poker club with your friends and improve it to receive rewards.

The Four Kings Casino & Slots

This video game made its release on June 8, 2021. "There is a list of objectives that you can complete in order to receive rewards. "Players are immersed in a casino town. The first thing you will need to do when you log into the game is to create your avatar.
You will be taken to different locations in the complex, depending on your choice. You can then change locations by clicking on the casino map. There is a list of objectives that you can complete in order to receive rewards.

Other Video Games

Here are some other casino-themed video games:

  • Video Poker
  • Roulette at Aces casino
  • Slots of Poker
  • Lots of Slots
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